
eDocs: Orion's storage/retrieval system for eSigned documents.


eDocs is a secure SQL based document storage system designed and developed in accordance with established document management best practices, PCI and other PII security requirements, as well as worldwide privacy laws. It uses Orion's patented security technology to create a repository that fits your needs. eDocs means that your eSigned documents are secure, accessible and available when you need them. eDocs gives customers complete control over information access, providing tiered access control, and multiple document retention options including autopurge and more. Designed for ease of use, the clean, understandable interface eliminates lengthy training requirements and gets you up and running quickly! No more lost records, wasted time tracking paper or missing document related chargebacks!

Use eDocs to:

  • Store ANY and ALL of your business critical documents in a secure, patented format.
  • Render documents and PII data unreadable and unusable to cyber criminals.
  • Store ANY and ALL of your guest related documents.
  • Add eSigner Apps to sign and complete any guest documents.
  • Verify the originality of the signed document with embedded audit trails,action/intent to sign information and more.
  • Access documents where it make sense for your business: On premise, central office or via cloud.
  • Search, retrieve, view, and print signed documents for evidentiary needs and chargeback prevention
  • Add new documents for signing or modify existing forms easily.
  • Improve operational efficiency.
  • Protect your business critical data!